Football Crazy: piano ensemble workshop with Victor Lim, Marryat Hall, 23 November 2024

young people learned a piece of music called Football Crazy and performed this on six electricpianos under the direction of Victor.

They were organised into two teams of nine: The “Piano Avengers” and “80 Fingers United”, with a leader who enabled them to score goal

Victor conducted and refereed.

During a break the young people were able to play the Steinway.

Some of the young people commented that they had never experienced a workshop like this before as piano was usually a solo instrument and enjoyed playing in a ‘piano orchestra’ of 18 people.


The workshop culminated in a performance for families. The young people liked the competition aspect of two football teams playing against each other and scoring goals. The final score: ‘Piano Avengers’ 8; ’80 Fingers United’ 7.

Click on the play button below for a video clip: